Previous Workshops

• 18th German-Polish Workshop, 4-6 September, Meißen, 2023

• 17th Polish-German Workshop, Sarbinowo Morskie/near Koszalin 1-4 September 2021

• 16th German-Polish Workshop, Lütjensee Seebergen/Hamburg, September 1-5, 2019

• 15th Polish-German Workshop, Sarbinowo Morskie 30 August – 2 September 2017

• 14th German-Polish Workshop,  Wandlitz/Berlin, 31 August – 3 September 2015

• 13th  Polish-German Workshop, Wieliczka, 1 – 6 September 2013 r.

• 12th German-Polish Workshop, August 28th to September 2nd, Meißen, 2011

• 11th Polish-German Workshop, Sarbinowo Morskie 23-28 August 2009

• 10th German-Polish Workshop, Goslar, September 2007

• 9th Polish-German Workshop, Paszkówka/Cracow,  September 6, 2005

• 8th German-Polish Workshop, Schmochtitz/Bautzen,  September 4, 2003

• 7th Polish-German Workshop, Osiek k. Koszalina,  2001

• 6th German-Polish Workshop, Sollerhaus, Germany, September 12-18, 1999

• 5th Polish-German Workshop, Zakopane,  September 1997

• 4th German-Polish Workshop, Berlin (DDR), 1995

• 3rd Polish-German Workshop, Wierzba (Mazurian Lakes), 1993

• 2nd German-Polish Workshop, Paderborn, 1991

• 1st Polish-German Workshop, Mądralin k.W-wy, March 1989


Under construction – Comming soon …

The first workshops were organized in 1989, in which Professor Roman Bogacz was the initiator of the meetings on the Polish side, and he was very active in the development of Polish-German scientific and technical cooperation. His contacts with scholars and scientific institutions from Germany began even before the political change in Poland. By organizing cyclic Polish-German workshops and Polish-Greek-German symposia for almost 30 years, he promoted the achievements of Polish scientists in the field of mechanics and machine construction abroad. Prof. Karl Popp (University Hannover) was the initiator from the German side. As part of the cooperation, for many years the substantive supervision over the development of the conference program, location and other organizational issues was exercised by Prof. Georg Ostermeyer (TU Braunschweig) and Prof. Andrzej Chudzikiewicz (Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Transport). Invitations to participate in the Workshops were sent directly and individually to the invited participants, according to the list established by the professors, which traditionally included 15 participants from Poland and 15 participants from Germany. Participants were selected for their undisputed achievements in the study of dynamical problems in physical systems area.

Historical photos

German-Polish Workshop 1995, Berlin (DDR/NRD)
German-Polish Workshop, Meißen, 2011 (from the left: Prof. Matthias Kröger, Prof. Roman Bogacz, Prof. Georg Ostermeyer, Prof. Andrzej Chudzikiewicz)
Polish-German Workshop 2013, Wieliczka
Polish-German Workshop 2017, Sarbinowo Morskie
Polish-German Workshop 2021, Sarbinowo Morskie
Polish-German Workshop 2021, Sarbinowo Morskie – (from the left: Prof. Tomasz Kapitaniak, Prof. Andrzej Tylikowski)
Polish-German Workshop 2021, Sarbinowo Morskie (from the left: Prof. Kristin de Payrebrune, Prof. Matthias Kröger, Prof. Kurt Frischmuth)